The Visit is the latest thriller from the spectacular screenwriter and director M. Night Shyamalan.
The movie takes us on a journey with two young children (Rebecca and Tyler) who are off to visit their grandparents whom they have never met before and are going to stay with for an entire week. There are a few jumpy scenes but nothing scary enough to make you scream. Of course an M. Night movie would not be complete without a shocking twist at the end of the film however, I found myself yawning throughout most of the movie.
Mainly because I wanted to get to what a horror movie is about – the horror! Until it got to the interesting scary jumpy moments, we are left to suffer through endless pointless and boring scenes all in an attempt to build up to the climax of the final reveal of the story. But when I wasn’t yawning I was cringing - there were a few cringe worthy moments in The Visit most specifically when the young boy tries to rap (because every horror story needs an aspiring rapper thrown in there). From start to finish the audience are forced to sit through and watch this horrendous moment of the young boy rapping which I can only imagine was put in there by M. Night Shyamalan to add comic relief to the horror flick. I’d say the movie would be given a higher review if those scenes were cut out and put into the DVD extras section or probably better if it was just left at the editors cutting table.
Other than that, The Visit is not totally bad. The grandparents were super creepy which was great but it took far too long to actually show the good bits that we see in the trailer which was the only reason why I chose to see the movie in the first place. Overall, The Visit is no Sixth Sense (a movie also created by M. Night which is probably his best work to date) but it is definitely worth a visit.