Do you honestly feel the need to exploit people with injustice and cheap labour just for the sake of fashion? Primark is a very successful clothes store known for its cheap prices on Britain's high street. Last year they managed to make a £233m profit but what do we as the consumers really know about what is going on behind closed doors. A previous BBC investigation found Primark contractors were employing children in slum workshops in India. But the low-cost clothes come at a high price for young children toiling in the store's Indian sweatshops. The people who are working in these Indian sweatshops for Primark are being terribly under paid. For underwear to be sold here in Primark for £2, they are only being paid 2p. And even out of that 2p they still get taxed. But because they are poor they are being more exploited. Primark is the least ethical clothes shop in Britain and although this has all been exposed to the public, it is disgraceful that with all the hard work that the people in the sweatshops do, nobody wants to take a stand for them and give them the correct amount of money that they deserve.
Something that I find incredibly disturbing about all this is that the workers are underage as well. Most of them are taken away from their parents and don’t get to see their parents for a very long time. The living conditions are dyer, in grotty workshops and they don’t even have proper accommodation. They sleep where they work. If people are interested in buying clothes from Primark because it is cheap, they need to understand why it is cheap. Sadly we live in such a selfish and shallow society who just doesn’t care. Of course Primark are going to insist that this is not all as it seems and to avoid any backlash a spokesperson said, "We buy our clothing from pretty much the same range of suppliers and countries as everyone else on the high street”. There are very few people in society who actually care about how Primark are receiving their clothes but for those few who are not happy with this injustice. Because of the latest claims, Primark said it was "extremely concerned about the very serious allegations" and is conducting its own investigation. Which I hardly doubt will follow through.
There is too much injustice going on with this but the issue is that the workers cannot form a union and that is against the law. The reason they can’t form a union is because they are being restricted and that’s why Primark are allowed to sell cheap clothes over here because the big corporations have taken control. Nobody seems to want to make a change about this even though all the evidence is right in front of us. It just shows how this world is so full of crap and as long as the rich stay rich, the poor are going to stay poor.
I chose to do an opinion piece on Primark and the conditions of the company that are unheard of. I felt that writing an article that would get people to wake up and see what is going on behind closed doors could change the way people think of Primark. Because the store is known for its cheap prices, writing the truth about why it is so cheap would be something people would find interesting to know. By exploiting the truth in this article I hoped to grab people’s attention and I did my research on the lack of amount of money that the workers are getting and then added a quote from the clothing company.